Ecstatic Breathwork

Ecstatic Breathwork

A deep journey to your emotions and to the subconscious mind

During our Ecstatic Breathwork session we invite you to discover what exists beyond the thinking mind by using a combination of ancient rhythmic breathing and music. You can access an altered state of consciousness, connect with your psyche and release any emotional, physical or mental blockages. The practice focuses on opening the heart space, so you will feel liberated and your body will be rejuvenated on the cellular level.

An Ecstatic Breathwork session can be a very profound and deep inner journey, therefore at the end of the session the integration is just as important as the practice itself. We always provide a safe space for the you or for your group to discuss and share about the individual experiences.

  • Inner work to connect with your emotions

  • Helps to release blockages and limitations

  • Encourages self-awareness and reflection

  • Trauma focused approach

  • Heart opening practice


We recommend this session either in a 1:1 setting or for smaller groups where the participants are wishing to explore themselves more in depth.